L & G,

I am pleased to hear that the Training and Assessment Committee for Technicians and Operators (TACTO), HRD Corporate and Institut Teknologi Petroleum PETRONAS (INSTEP) have developed PETRONAS Competency-based Assessment System (PECAS) together with its supporting computerised system. PECAS is designed to ensure that competencies of our technicians and operators are properly assessed, captured, monitored and recorded.

In addition to the above, PECAS can serve many purposes amongst which include full listing of duties and tasks and their respective competency standards, assessment modules and identification of NET learning gap.

INSTEP is given the mandate by MDC of PETRONAS to be the Awarding Body and to manage the assessment of NET groupwide systematically as outlined in PECAS Assessment and Implementation guidelines. With the implementation of PECAS, assessment based on Upgrading Trade Test will be phased out.

I would like to advise all NET to prepare themselves proactively by attending the necessary training prior to enrolling for assessment by the Assessors. I hope the Education Division will be able to provide the necessary training support and services that may be required from time to time to ensure that NET received adequate training and practices.

It is very encouraging to hear the symbiotic relationship between PETRONAS OPUs and INSTEP. I was informed that both parties have worked together to identify and develop the training programmes based on PETRONAS Occupational Skill Standard (POSS). I hope such coorperation will be continued and extended at every phase of the training cycle to come up with the appropriate solutions, which can assist to mould our NET as competent technicians and operators.

In our effort to stay competitive as a Leading Oil and Gas Multinational of Choice, development of staff competencies shall not be taken lightly. We need to inculcate the culture of continuous life long learning in our organization. To this effect, PETRONAS is prepared to invest on staff development to equip them with the right knowlege, skills and attitude.

For and On behalf of PETRONAS
Education Division